that s the show for tonight, so you can tomorrow, and it s time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. good evening, lawrence. good evening, alex. we have a last word fan favorite joining us tonight at the end of the hour, dr. lance , he s a former professor of psychiatry at harvard medical school. and early on in the trump presidency, i think was maybe within two months, three months, he and a group of other psychiatrist had seen enough, and they felt they had a duty to warn america. that eventually became the book titled the dangerous case of donald trump. and i think the first time it came out it was in the title, it said, you know, 19 psychiatrists made the case. it s now up to 37. [laughter] they kept reissuing the book as time went by. and each new paperback edition, because last i checked it was 27, and it s pretty sure it was 37 the other day. there are more psychiatrist who are, like, sign me up, i m on board, i cosign. 37, 37. anyways, the doctor has
fitton. and that same report, the washington post raises what they call a key question. a key question hovering over the case now is whether nauta we ll cooperate with prosecutors against trump in hopes of a lesser sentence. put in watergate terms, the question is will walt nauta turn out to be g gordon lady or eat howard hunt? the drama of the choices faced by those two masterminds of the watergate berkeley is framed a new in hbo s brilliant new limited series white house plumbers, with just and oh plane gordon lady, who decided to never flip and served the longest sentence of anyone involved, and woody harrelson playing e. howard hunt, who eventually flipped to reduce his prison sentence. walt nauta s was made or destroyed by the decision made by president rutherford b. hayes in 1882 use navy stewards as waiters in the white house.
everybody standing shoulder to shoulder and nobody was going to break. as more information came out. more people started to testify, there were few like g gordon would nut t put his happened over the candle. people started breaking and they started telling the truth. you have mark meadows may have inadvertically done it. this was not done behind closed door. you have all of these staffers that saw as their capitol was being be sieged by rioters and insurrections. a president remaining silent and people begging into speak out. yes, you have mark meadows but you have these teaming masks of staff members who are willing to talk to the committee.
regi region and south korea will remain unwavering. so south korea and japan, they are looking and see china here as ukraine sees putin, and considering that idea here, g gordon, the president s multi year pivot to asia, and how is this hampered by what is happening in russia? well, clearly, the times when the international system looks like it is falling apart, and now is up with of those times which means that the president needs to pivot everywhere. and this is just everywhere? unfortunate, but everywhere. because you have problems of course in europe, and everything that we knew about the peace in europe now is obsolete, and also in asia s and both areas are going to require his attention. thank you, gordon chang for your perspective as the president is getting ready to visit those four nations. and coming up we will talk to the architect of the legislation that the supreme court upheld yesterday.
the president, and before he heads to malaysia and the philippine philippines and one country he is not touching down, china. and joining us is a contributor and the author of collapse of china and gordon, thank you for being with us. and you think not visiting china is a good idea. why? well, there has been too much diplomacy with the chinese and not enough reassurance of the allies and the friends and because we tell the chinese they are central to everything, we are feeding the already inflateded sense of ego which is making them arrogant and leading to the belligerent conduct in the region. and so dealing with the friends and the allies is the right way to go. and a real counter there as the president here is visiting three countries of note where the u.s. forces are there, and we have bases and interests, and isn t that so important to counter balance what you were just saying? absolutely. because what we see from the arc in india and the south korea and the nor