and he s using the word profit in a very narrow definition, making money off of it, but to host the g-7 summit with hundreds of world leaders, the security fortifications, the upkeep, the renovations, that is all the renovations they have to do to bring them in and the renovations they have to do once they leave. that stuff he would benefit from. wouldn t he benefit from that financially? here is what i think you know, now that he s not doing this doral trip, the what i think made this an emoluments clause violation is this. we know in the past that jimmy carter took his business and put it in a blind trust. he created a wall between being the president and his business, but once donald trump, even if he didn t take any profit from this the g-7, once he was involved as the president putting that summit, that conference at one of his hotels, he blurred the line. he scaled the wall between being president and being a hotel manager, and so when he did