E-commerce giant Amazon has written to Sebi yet again, apprising the market regulator of the formation of the arbitration tribunal at SIAC while urging it to suspend the review of the Rs 24,713 crore Future-Reliance deal. It has also filed an appeal with the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court against the December 21 order of the single-member bench, according to sources.
On December 21, a single-member bench of the Delhi HC had rejected Future Group s plea to restrain Amazon from writing to regulatory authorities about the SIAC (Singapore International Arbitration Centre) arbitral order but gave a go-ahead to the regulators to decide over the deal. The court had also made several observations indicating that Amazon s attempt to control Future Retail through a conflation of agreements Amazon has with an unlisted unit of the Indian company will be violative of the FEMA FDI rules.