Mike Hossfeld regularly stores firearms for others who are going through a mental health crisis or a rough period. That puts time and space between them and their guns, which can significantly reduce suicide risk.
Background check requirements and variation in state and federal gun laws give some gun shop owners pause when it comes to storing firearms for at-risk people or having their stores on a public safe storage map.
Background check requirements and variation in state and federal gun laws give some gun shop owners pause when it comes to storing firearms for at-risk people or having their stores on a public safe storage map.
Background check requirements and variation in state and federal gun laws give some gun shop owners pause when it comes to storing firearms for at-risk people or having their stores on a public safe storage map.
Background check requirements and variation in state and federal gun laws give some gun shop owners pause when it comes to storing firearms for at-risk people or having their stores on a public safe storage map.