TGIF: Music Connects People, Comedy Night, July Party Jul 30, 2021 11:15 am | Add a comment | 107 reads
The weekend is here! Time for fun, relaxation, and recharging the ol batteries ahead of gulp Monday morning s alarm clock. Luckily enough, there’s plenty of fun stuff to keep you occupied over the weekend that doesn t necessarily involve getting blitzed. Our weekend roundup offers you some of the best.
Friday, Jul 30
Bienao isn t over yet! This ongoing collab between Jing-A and Yue Space that s been bringing craft beer lovers and local music enthusiasts along for a ride is welcoming the suave jazz rhythms of Griffo and the post-punk spirit of the Future Orients to the stage tonight.
Noise Pollution: Run Run Run, MFMachine, 8 Immortals Restaurant, Wasted Laika, No Trace, New Age of Decay Apr 22, 2021 11:30 am | Add a comment | 33 reads
Psychedelic kicks, math-rock hijinks, and grunge-filled meltdowns. it’s just another week here in Beijing as music goers head to the streets looking to connect with their unruly home the only way they know how, through music. So sweat out those demons, give your ears a vacation, and break free into the night – here’s your weekly live music update.
Friday, Apr 23
Run Run Run, Berlin Psycho Nurses 柏林护士, Future Orients 飛去來, Lur: at Yue Space
M-Lab cooks up the third session of their noise, shoegaze, and psychedelic rock festival featuring a broad range of bands with dangerously alluring sounds. The theme for this year is Noise Staring Fan and they’ve assembled some foot-stomping, mind-bending crowd-pleasers for the occasion including Changsha post-punk rabbl
Noise Pollution: Poetry in Shorts, Hiperson, Future Orients, Endless White, Birdstriking, Bad Sweetheart Mar 11, 2021 8:30 am | 1 comment | 155 reads
With the remnants of the Two Sessions still giving most Beijingers a logistical headache, the music scene continues to show signs of life. So much so that you best start looking to snatch tickets in advance if you want the chance to check out your favorite band –I ve already have encountered numerous sold-out gigs for this weekend. And with Yue Space opening back up, and School Bar just around the corner, the city is truly getting back into the groove of things. It hasn’t been the smoothest road to normalcy so do the live music scene a favor and show your support.