Missouri Military Academy Cadet Zijie Zhou, a high school senior from Shenzhen, China, gained valuable hands-on experience through an internship with the Public Works Department of Mexico, Missouri, …
Missouri Military Academy’s (MMA) Class of 2023 — the Academy’s 134 th graduating class — celebrated commencement on Saturday, May 20, 2023, at 10 a.m. in Centennial …
The Missouri Military Academy (MMA) Armed Fusileer Drill Team recently traveled to Denver, Colorado, to compete in the Rocky Mountain Drill Classic National Championship held on Saturday, April 15, …
MMA drill team wins first place for third year in a row Published by admin on Mon, 04/05/2021 - 7:00am Missouri Military Academy Fusileers stand with MMA President Richard V. Geraci and their AMCSUS first-place trophy. [Submitted photo]
For the third consecutive year, Missouri Military Academy’s Fusileer Drill Team has won first place in the Association of Military Colleges & Schools of the United States national drill competition.
For the AMSCUS drill team competition, military schools from across the nation such as Marine Military Academy, Randolph-Macon Academy, Army and Navy Academy, Riverside Military Academy, Fork Union Military Academy and more) annually submit performance videos to be evaluated based on the formation commander’s command voice and presence, drill sequence timing, the formation’s ability to execute drill commands, the difficulty of commands, and the pacing, sequencing, military bearing, personal appear