This week marks the tenth anniversary of the military coup in Egypt. On July 3, 2013, the then-military chief General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi took power with the support of the imperialist powers and established one of the most brutal and bloodiest regimes in the entire globe.
restauration of this small church in Valcea county, southern Romania, which
started in 2009 and was completed in 2020 thanks to the funds obtained through
donations and the volunteer work of numerous students, architects and
professional painting conservators, has become not only a model to imitate but
also a way to learn how they used to build things at that time. According to
architect Raluca Munteanu, who got involved with the restoration works, the
church, which was dedicated to the Annunciation and the Archangel Michael, was
built between 1757-1784.
Raluca Munteanu: The church we see today isn t likely to be
the church that was built first, as we ve learnt that it survived a
devastating fire in 1883 and subsequently underwent a series of restauration
works. An 1843 inscription placed at its entrance mentions founder Nicolae
Milcoveanu who did the restauration works and the church s extremely valuable
wall paintings date back to the same year. Nic