20/08264/ADRC - Application for approval of details - 559 London Road High Wycombe 20/08242/FUL - Change of use of a 6-bed house in multiple occupation (use class C4) to a 7-bed house in multiple occupation (sui generis) - 12 Elm Road High Wycombe 20/08244/VCDN - Variation of condition - E J Churchill Shooting Ground Park Lane Lane End 20/08250/FUL - Householder application for construction of single storey side extension - 4 Salisbury Close Princes Risborough 20/08254/PNP3O - Prior notification application - Victoria House 28 - 32 Desborough Street High Wycombe 20/08241/ADRC - Application for approval of details - David Lloyd Leisure Group Glory Mill Lane Wooburn Green
in around one thousand nine hundred many homes in europe would have looked like this bulky cupboards and chairs and pretty crowded. the bar house designers wanted to break with that tradition and they were radical. their furniture designs were simple with clear shapes and daring combinations of materials. much of our modern fine. today stems from these ideas. it s doing them powerhouse of our house first wanted to get an unobstructed up to date view about what it means to live somewhere else or all the functions that a chair for example before expected when and what about structure what are the lives bearing elements how can you play with them and rearrange things and break away from what were used to. even put a human investment vincent. entrepreneur is a work of bauhaus designers such as marcel briar and peter keller as well as yours
in other words form follows function. for losses. in around one thousand nine hundred many homes in europe would have looked like this bulky cupboards and chairs and pretty crowded. the bow house designers wanted to break with that tradition and they were radical. their furniture designs were simple with clear shapes and daring combinations of materials. much of our modern fine. today stems from these ideas. it s kingdom powerhouse of our house first wanted to get an unobstructed up to date view about what it means to live somewhere what are all the functions that a chair for example before take on and what about structure that s in the thoughts of the load bearing elements how can you play with that and rearrange things and break away from what i used to. even put
in other words form follows function. house philosophy. in around one thousand nine hundred many homes in europe would have looked like this bulky cupboards and chairs and pretty crowded. the bars designers wanted to break with that tradition and they were radical. their furniture designs was simple with clear shapes and daring combinations of materials. much of our modern fine. today stems from these ideas. it s kingdom bauhaus of our house first wanted to get an unobstructed up to date view about what it means to live somewhere else where all the functions of the chair for example before stopped expected what about structure what are the loved bearing elements how can you play with them and rearrange things and break away from what i used to. even put