because air traffic controllers would face furloughs too. in late april when airport traffic really got bad right before a week-hong kong alrecess for easter lawmakers with incredible speed lifted the mandatory across the board rule and let the faa shift money from other accounts to keep the controllers on the job. other agencies did similar things according to the washington post. instead of furloughing fbi and federal prison staff, the just this is department used money from programs that had neither never begun or ended without using most of their budget. the workers were mostly allowed to stay on the job. they cut some maintenance programs, avoided bonuses and general built tightening and lo and behold it wasn t who nearly as bad as everybody thought it would be. jenna: more automatic cuts are on the way. in three months the government has to pass next year s spending bill. if they don t there is going to be a government shut down. there will need to be another $109 billion in