pain and, i want to pick that up with you peter. because we are hearing about more forces going to eastern europe. rotation of the forces that were in one country going to another country. but the bottom line is, nato forces, american troops in places like that, can t go to nato countries. what happens? what does this look like? we are going to pile up lots of furch s, tanks, missiles and anti aircraft stuff along the borders of ukraine. there are four nato countries that border. it then went happens? yes. that is the real question, right? because in fact, we have an obligation to poland, romania, the baltic states because they are members of nato. article five, an attack on one of them is an attack on all of us. and that is why you are seeing, you know, more american troops, needle troops, heading to those countries to reassure them and bolster their voices. obviously, not enough to stop a full scale invasion. but it reminded to president putin, there is a reminder