how could anyone serve four years as secretary of state with no official e-mail account, instead conducting business from a private address with its own domain and server. the answer is deliberately. that s tough. yes, tough. these are not right-wingers. to back to the question you asked nick earlier, and to this whole point about the clintons, i ve long argued that all of us here on the set, watching television view the clintons through a funhouse mirror. whatever they say, whatever they do is colored, distorted, warped by our views of them. so she could have come out there today and given a completely reasonable, rational explanation for everything that 457d but they want the server. and we still would be having the conversation. it s about hard information. shy wasn t going to turn it over. having said all that, even though we re looking at them through this funhouse server.
over. having said all that even though we re looking at them through this funhouse server. will this stop are is this going to die? i this i it might die without getting the server. will it die without getting the server? i think hell will freeze over before that server becoming public. the question is whether the relevant officials at state will have access to all the e-mails on it so they can make the decision about what is private and what is government. a great phrase to come on a day we were at the u.n. together until hell freezes over. is the great comment by addlai stevenson stevenson? i m sitting here until hell freezes over. thank you both. we ll have more later in the hour with the roundtable when they get here. this is hardball, the place for politics. in fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. that s why there s ocuvite to help protect your eye health.