The Borris-in-Ossory Community Development Association held a big fundraiser cabaret which incorporated a Fundraising Raffle draw in Kelly s Bar on June 25. The.
Sat. June 19 - 6am to 6pm. Sun June 20 - 6am to 3pm final weigh in & awards & raffle Port Wing Harbor, 9130 Beach Rd, Port Wing, WI Contest Fee $30 pp, children 15 & under FREE: includes entry into exclusive participant raffle, daily boat launch, & fundraising raffle. All Persons on boat must have ticket stub for that boat to register fish (except kids) All qualified fish must be caught on a boat that departs from and returns to the Port Wing Municipal boat ramp of, BY WATER or from shore adjacent to the harbor area proper. $300 1st place Trout and Salmon $100 2nd place Trout and Salmon $100 1st place Other Fish Proper social distance precautions requested @ registration & raffle The Fundraising Raffle is back this year with plenty of great prizes. Fishing & Raffle tickets available at Johnson s Store, The Port Wing Saturday Market, the Port and Hob s South Shore, @ Boat Launch @ Registration or call Colleen 602 810 1003 All proceeds go to the South Shore Lions for Schola