npr npr takes your tax dollars and then lectures you about how immoral you are that is liberalism distilledal. that s been going on a long time. npr has been running its particular scam sincepart b nineteen seventy one .ut but the sneering tone you hear on npr has been the hallmark of liberals for nearly a century. liberals haverals contempt forho dwight eisenhower and for barry goldwater and for richard nixon. boywewe did they and for gerald ford. even if you reh old enough to remember ronald reagan, you will recall vividly how liberals felt about him. reagan was an idiot. they told youou a mouth breather and so was anybody who would vmu votech for him very much including you in the words of al gore, republicans the quote extra chromosome right wing. so they were literally genetically defective. that s what liberals actually talkctive. s wherever two orhe more liberals are gathered, you will find sanctare. but there s a new inflection you may have noticeded recently the pivo
against american political targets likens o o bee sanders. they did like trump. they did., and so we re basically fundingcr our ownat democratic destruction and the destruction of westernrf civilization by funding some of these outfitsth in ukraine. and we can go into that at length. i don t knowuc how much time weh have, but w i wish we had more . i hope you ll join us again. el-sayed, wepr appreciate your coming on tonight. hathank . thank you . so if you re worried aboute money with inflation and tanking markets, you reallyv should have become a blme activist. patriceti cholera s did that ans she used the money to buyhe a sx million dollar mansion in los angeles. now sheel says she s the victim she s done pretty well before she s convicted. candace owens has beennca talkig about what she did j candace owens 20%oi and grants. we don t make money like everyone else make it better. we prioritize risk quality not