The nasdaq up by about 120 yesterday was a down day for the markets. The dow off by about 270 points. But if you want to take a look at november hes historic gain, check this out, the dow actually up by 1. 8 for the month, that is its best month since january of 1987. The s p no slouch either it gained about 11 while the nasdaq was up nearly 12 november by the way was the best month for all of those indexes since april which was a huge month. Also small cap stocks were some big winners. The russell 2000 finished the month up more than 18 , 245ethas right, 18 in one month, the best month since that index was created back in 1984 so here we are heading into december and year to date, the nasdaq is the superstar, up nearly 36 the s p 500 is up by 12 and the russell 2000 up by 9 . The dow up by 3. 9 so fantastic november for all of these indices. Nasdaq leading the way in terms of year to date. Joe. Yep, coincident with the surge. Go figure. The second surge are you sure it is never too ea
The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, h. R. 5322, the ensuring diversity in Community Banking act, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 5322, a bill to establish or modify requirements relating to Minority Depository Institutions, Community Development Financial Institutions, and impact banks and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman, and the gentleman from sk, mr. Timmons, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman. Mr. Sherman mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days within which to revise and extend their remarks on this legislation, and to insert extraneous material thereon. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Sherman i yi
Exacerbated by the pandemic. Individuals, especially in that situation, they depend on facetoface contact with someone in Social Security or at least someone they can talk to. And i dont know if youve ever tried to call the 800 number, but if you have, youre going to be on hold for a very long time. I think having more resources as you just pointed out, as shaun mentioned would go a long way. I have made recommendations that Social Security make an effort to partner with some nonprofits in the area to help in advising those who want to claim ssi, how to navigate the system and i think thats worth exploring. I hope Social Security will take that up as well. Congressman mr. Ferguson is recognized. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you for your leadership. I think we all agree the worse thing that any of us could do is not to act on this issue. If you want to see real harm done to americans, lets not do anything and see what happens. I would like to commend both of you for your leadership in
Witnesses and audience members. Thank you everyone for joining with us today as we all bear up under covid19 and address technologically to coming together. We will begin with Opening Statements by myself and the Ranking Member. Follow the by testimony from our witnesses and the opportunity for each member to ask questions. We will dispense of our practice of observing givens rule and instead go to go in order of seniority for questions. Alternating between minority and majority. Members will be responsible for muting and unmuting themselves throughout the proceedings. I thank you all for your patience as we navigate this new technology in order to continue serving our country in this great time of need. With that, i would like to again welcome everybody to the ways and means social subcommittee virtual hearing on the impact of covid19 on Social Security and its beneficiaries. Again, let me add my thanks to the member and of course our witnesses who have joined us today at the ways an
People that make them happen but at what cost well look at the Health Risks Involved friends, families and neighbors are forced to find new way to congregate and socialize in this new world of social distancing some new ideas for you as we kick off this early stuz the good morning im phillip mena im frances rivera. It has been nearly two weeks since the coronavirus was labeled a Global Pandemic and it is spreading fast. America now has the hughest rate of increase in the world confirmed cases have surpassed 46,000 monday was the deadliest day so far with phase tallties surging into the triple digits pushing the death toll to 549. Could the olympics be pushed back a year . In an interview with the committee member, he says the postponement for the olympics has been decided and could be moved to 2021. Amazon is tightening its grip of people trying to profit from the panhandle its pulled over half a million listings and suspended nearly 4,000 accounts for price gouging. Britains Prime Min