Call item number 1. Item 1, roll call. Peskin, present. Safai, present. Yee, present. We have quorum. Alright. Please call item number 2. Approve the minutes of december 15, 2017 meeting. This is action item. Okay. Any comments . I have no comment. I was not on the Vision Committee at the time but i have read the minutes and in so far as commissioner safai was not on there either i will not abstain as i usually do so we can get them passed and subject to Public Comment and move the minutes. Any other comments . Seeing none, any Public Comment on the item . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Is there a motion . So moved. Any objection . Roll call vote. Whatever you like. Peskin, aye. Safai, aye. Yee, aye. The minutes are approved. Okay. Let me haverequest to take item 4 out of order and if its okay with the Committee Members well take item 4 first before item 3. Mr. Clerk can you call item 4. San francisco silty Administrator Office tellmatics on city fleet performance. This is
Port of entry. What in your overall system today categorically prevents that . So we have a notification system. When we refuse an entry that electronic notification system not only notifies customs and border protection, but all the other fda district offices imports. And so how is that batch tagged indelibly so that that notification is meaningful so that those other ports can identify the same batch were talking about. So as you may be aware, weve been looking working for many years to try to get a marking rule that would provide that marking of the product. That is not in place yet. But right now, we do notifications based off the data that we have on who the importer, is what the commodity line is, and make sure everyone is aware about that shipment was refused. So if they there isnt a set marking rule. So if they change the packaging or any of the markings, they could very possibly get away with what im describing . The system is not foolproof. I agree with you. But we do do noti
Dennis hastert was being blackmailed. He paid hundreds of thousands in hush money and the feds found out his church is blinded found out he charged that line about illicit payments to coverup misconduct that apparently occurred before his political career began. Straight out of the can you believe this file. The irs paid 2. 3 billion in bogus refunds. Neverland, Michael Jacksons estate in california up for sale for 100 million. Varney co. Is about to begin. Im not going to sing it, but we are indeed moving. I wanted to sing, but they wouldnt let me. We are moving to prime real estate in the Financial News business. That would be the 9 00 hour, 10 00 hour and 11 00 hour. Three whole hours we start at 9 00 a. M. Monday june 1st. The same gray show and i really hope you will be there with us. Lets get going. What a time to hold an election. In the middle of a massive bribery scandal, the soccer governing body is right now voting for president. The current are expected to keep the job desp
The speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 244. The nays are 163. The resolution is agreed to and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The house will be in order. He house will be in order. He house will be in order. For what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution 628, i call up h. R. 3230 with a Senate Amendments thereto and i do have a motion at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill, designate the Senate Amendments and designate the motion. The clerk h. R. 3230, an act making continuing appropriations during a Government Shutdown to provide pay and allow aanses to members of the reserved allowances to members of the reserve components during such period. Senate amendments. Motion offered by mr. Miller of florida. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 628, the motion shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the