fund-raisers indicative of how candidates are doing? one this evening i will throw out there is we haven t seen a lot of the cost of doing business with the fund-raising so far. ben carson raised $20 million but it looks like an awful lot of that was direct mail fund-raising. we re not sure what the cost ratio and the burn right built in that is. jeb s will be a lot lower because he s doing lot of direct contact stuff. the cash on hand numbers put these guys at a fairly even footing, all except for donald trump, who may or may not be able to write a check with many zeros. right now it s the performances and the degree to which people are standing out in the field that s driving their numbers. dr. carson s done well with that. he has become the national direct fund-raising brand.
donald trump suddenly becomes the keeper of the ultimate political currency, billions of dollars and the ability to influence others. why else do you think republican candidates simply can t get enough of man? let s bring in our wednesday mega panel, imogen, jonathan and rob, and i find, rob, the most confusing things in our political culture make a tremendous amount of sense when you change the prism of that from that of an election to that of an auction. that s if you believe trump is actually going to bring you any money. there s a reason that people aren t going on his show, and one of it i think romney has said no and i think part of it is because they are not sure that there s going to be anything for their fund-raising brand. yeah. if you are to look at jonathan, setting aside the auction election issues, is is this really anything more than donald trump playing the same game as sarah palin or for that matter the same game as any other presidential theoretical