You should assume you will guarantee the loan regardless of the structure of your business. The good news, though, for businesses like you are describing, Internet Business, is that the Capital Requirements for that type of business is generally small. You are able to get yourself further along and share in revenues with a smaller amount of credit need. That is where we see a lot of businesses and personal service or Internet Business get started, and generate revenues and be able to show Growth Without needing any capital, like a brick and mortar business might. My name is terry said. I have a Retail Business in San Francisco for 22 years. I have a 5 04 504 loan. It took me three years to get. We need more capital. I tried to get a line of credit from wells capital. I was decline. Where does someone like myself go . I have a loan, i need additional funding. Did you try through the sba . I already have an sba loan. I went to wells fargo for a line of credit and they would not give me o
Called brian early in the morning to tell him not to bother picking them up because they were already at the hospital. Mr. Lee was ill and she had taken him to the er. The next day or so, brian, on his lunchtime, found out that mr. Lee had been admitted to the hospital and he went up to mr. Lees room and just stuck his head in just to say hello. And the minute mr. Lee saw him he went [gesture thumb up in the air] like that. And mrs. Lee said, hes telling you again youre number one driver. So brian really appreciated that; he thought that was really sweet. But he could see mr. Lee wasnt doing so well so he left really quickly. And unfortunately, mr. Lee passed away that evening. That had a great impact on brian and me. It was very sad, but it was so touching that he had seen mr. Lee and mr. Lee had confirmed that brian was number one driver. This is San Francisco paratransit. Its not perfect; we have our ups and downs late trips, frustrated customers, stressed out drivers. But at our be
Line. I think what is the case, there is a lot of complexity to the incentives that were put into the jobs act for Small Businesses to take advantage of on expensing equipment, investments and their businesses, as far as the tax treatment of those activities. Obviously, as a smallbusiness person, each of you needs to understand, it is complex, but there are a lot of tax incentives and investment in business that you should take aware advantage of. We have two questions in the back. Just to be mindful for everyones time, we will go for about five more minutes. My name is david. I am an internet or entrepreneurs. In general, to the lenders, what type of vanity do you traditionally see approach you for loans, an llc, corp. , and who is liable, for whose borrowing the money . As a micro lender, we expect the principles, the corporate form, to provide guarantees. Personal guarantees. The same. 20 ownership in the company. [inaudible] [inaudible] i heard something about sba guaranteed loans.
Hi, everybody. My name is carmen chu. Why dont we get started. With a marking up with the department of Small Business we have been working with the department of Small Business. This project started when we heard from neighborhood merchants. Unfortunately, they had access issues, visibility access issues. We have been working closely with many of our partners year today to educate about these many of our partners year today to educate about these issues. Also in terms of board guidance. I want to thank all of you for coming. Many of you may have assistance. I know many merchants could not be here. Please do it share this information with other merchants in the area. We have virginia from the office of Small Business. We have roger from the Bar Association. No Carla Johnson from the office of disability. We have Carla Johnson from the office of disability. I want to especially it acknowledge my colleague to help us get the resources and brought Legal Expertise to the table. I do not wa
Publishers only look at programs that are going to yield for money for them. Again looking at other districts were again looking at, you know, just anywhere were looking at other countries as well to look for material. Weve brought our psa together for the teachers to create some of the materials in the meantime but thats something weve struggled that. One last question we were not looking at the new come forward but has it made a difference when we took our new conforms and put them into schools mainstream having them in our homes separately did it change the movement of the academics unfortunately, because wisp focused on the students entering in kindergarten there were never enough students entering candid we started the new comers path so weve never done any real analysis of the new comers. This is my last question are rethinking at all but we have that do not available. Oh, id like to see that. We run that data. Did it look better. Yeah. Go. Definitely greater access to credits an