The State of Qatar has announced the renewal of its support for the United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism (UNOCT) of $15m annually for three year.
India has contributed an additional USD 500,000 to the United Nations Trust Fund for Counter-Terrorism, taking the country s donation to the UN office set up to combat terrorism to over USD 1 million. India said it was keen to continue working with the UN office to further the common objective of combatting terrorism. India is proud to contribute USD 500,000 to the UN Trust Fund for Counter-Terrorism, the Permanent Mission of India to the UN tweeted. With this amount, India s total contribution to it so far is USD 1.05 million. Keen to continue our work with @UN OCT on specific programs/projects to further our common objective to combat terrorism, the Mission said, referring to the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT).