Again today. Right now it is a positive day for the dow. Up 400, following the biggest decline for stocks since the great crash of 1987. The russell has gone negative. Josh brown, its been one heck of a week. What are you thinking about today after weve given, you know we gave up almost all of the 1,000 point bump were still hanging on to a few hundred. So couple things. One of the points ive been trying to make on the show recently is that security selection is not going to be the answer to how much pain you are going take in a moment like this and that was proven this week. The xlu, which is the utility sector, which normally in any Market Correction is not going to be disastrous, was absolutely disastrous im not even giving you the draw down from the peek im just going tell you this week the xlu is down 19 there really has been nothing save and yesterday of course, historic day at 3 30 there was ant single green s p 500 stock. Security and selection has not mattered i come back to o
Your wealth. We live in a world where it is difficult to become rich if you werent born that way. And love it or hate it, i believe that the stock market is the best ladder we have in this country for social mobility. There are millions upon millions of people in the country but there arent that many jobs that pay you a salary fat enough to actually make you rich even if youre a total cheapskate and if you want to become wealthy in this country unless youre born with a silver spoon in your mouth that means planning your Financial Strategy for a lifetime even if you dont have a super high paying job, as long as you could save a chunk and invest widely, you could become if not fifthy rich, then at least financially independent. Meaning you dont need to worry about job security or where your next paycheck is coming from and retire easily without the need to rely on Social Security which might not be around when some of the younger viewers hit retirement age that is why tonight, tonight i
Speaker cards and any documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today well be on the january 20 agenda. I would like to extend a warm welcome to supervisor haney. Item 1 is resolution approving an agreement with the nonprofit Owners Association for administration and management of the established propertybased Community Benefit district known as the downtown Community Benefit district. Supervisor mar thank you. Supervisor peskin, any . Supervisor peskin i do not. Supervisor mar i know we were supposed to have the Economic Workforce Development to present. I dont see him here. Maybe we can go to Public Comment. Are there any members of the public that wish to testify on item number 1 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I guess we can send this to the full board with positive recommendation. Supervisor peskin happy to move that. Supervisor mar without objection . Great. Mr. Clerk, item number 2. Item 2 is a motion directing the b
You may speak under general Public Comment, and that is for item 4. Please note if the fire alarms activate, you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion. If you need assistance out of the building, please make your way to the closest area of access. Which is across the hall from the mens restroom. There is a button. Let them know, and they will assist you. We are now on item 2. Thank you. Two items quickly. One is a letter, which i received that id like to just read because i enjoyed getting it. Dear mark, i was deeply touched by the honour you and the commission granted to me with the placement of the plaque in my honor at the tennis courts. It was a complete surprise. As you know, politicians usually get a leak about some pending event involving them. But not this one. I wanted to show off the plaque to my 4yearold grandson, daniel, and he is just learning to spell his name, and recognized agnus. Thank you for making me look good with my grandson. Sincerely, art agnus. And a
Important reason i want to help you build and preserve your wealth we live in a world that its increasingly difficult to become rich if you werent born that way and love it or hate it i believe the stock market is the best ladder we have in this country for social mobility. There are millions upon millions of people in this country but there simply arent that many jobs that pay you a salary fat enough to actually make you rich even if youre a total cheapskate and save every penny you earn, if you want to become really wealthy unless youre born with a silver spoon in your mouth that menas planning for Financial Strategy for an entire lifetime as long as you can save a decent chunk of your paycheck and then invest it wisely year after year, you can make your wealth grow to the point where you become if not filthy rich then at least financially independent. Meaning, you dont need to worry about your job security or where your next paycheck is going to come from and youll be able to retire