he represented me. and you know, from what i see, he did absolutely nothing wrong. there were no campaign funds going into then why is okay, john, look, the president wasn t named in the nda, wasn t named in the money deal, they said he knows nothing about it so how would he know what funds were used, in fact the man on this was david dennison. did trump admit today to knowing about the deal at the time? did he open himself up here or not? i don t think he outright confessed it. that he was knowledgeable about the deal. but he certainly implied it in the way he phrased his distancing himself from his lawyer and what his lawyer was doing. you know, these are the sort of things that at some point, a lawyer s going to have a lot of fun cross examining the president on these issues. and there are there will probably be more before that day comes and there are probably some we re not even thinking of. harry this crazy stormy