After she was found in the back seat of this car in dayton her mother, Brittany Russell, was found in the front seat slumped over the Steering Wheel dead of a gunshot wound Chris Edwards havens father we basically went to dayton look for her until about four in the morning then i came back down her finished up the reports then they told me to go home and try to rest i couldnt sleep i got the phone call about 9 30 this morning saying they found my kid. Middletown police say that russell who was a non custodial parent went to Edwards House yesterday and convinced a babysitter to allow her to take haven for awhileedwards reached russell last night who said that she would bring haven home soonbut that never happened sot now i have her back and am happy that shes home but im still tore up about the situation thats about as much as i have to say. Today in an exclusive interview with Brittany Russells father he admitted that his daughter struggled with a heroin addiction and said that russell