JOHNSTOWN The Fulton County Board of Supervisors recently authorized Sheriff Richard Giardino to commence the process for state accreditation of his department’s Road Patrol Division.
The sheriff’s office division would be accredited through the state Department of Criminal Justice Services.
Giardino has requested to commence the application for accreditation, which stems from the newly-adopted Fulton County Police Reform and Reinvention Plan. The plan enumerated five sheriff’s “goals and objectives for the future,” including DCJS accreditation.
The plan was the product of the Fulton County Police Reform Advisory Committee, which was formed after Gov. Andrew Cuomo last June 12 issued an executive order requiring local governments to adopt a police reform plan.
JOHNSTOWN The Fulton County Board of Supervisors’ Public Safety Committee recently adopted the Fulton County Police Reform and Reinvention Plan.
The plan done by state executive order will be the subject of a public hearing at 1:30 p.m. Monday, The board may finally adopt it afterwards, as it must be into the state by April 1.
The Fulton County Police Reform Advisory Committee met Oct. 27, Nov. 10, Dec. 1, Dec. 15 and Feb. 9 to develop the plan, which allows for reforms through the county Sheriff’s Department.
County Administrative Officer Jon Stead called the plan a “joint effort” between the board and sheriff’s offices.
JOHNSTOWN The Fulton County Police Reform Advisory Committee recently conducted its last meeting, reviewing a draft plan due to be submitted to the state by April 1.
County Administrative Officer Jon Stead told the panel during its livestreamed meeting that he appreciated the cooperation of members through five meetings held since last fall. He said the draft, 27-page Fulton County Police Reform and Reinvention Plan was 95 percent complete.
“I’d like to thank everyone who has been on this committee,” said 2020 Board of Supervisors Chairman Warren Greene. “We’ve probably had more committee meetings than some of the other counties have. We’ve taken it very seriously.”
JOHNSTOWN The next meeting of the Fulton County Police Reform Advisory Committee on Tuesday will be via Zoom videoconference and viewable by the public.
JOHNSTOWN The Fulton County Police Reform Advisory Committee is soliciting public responses from its survey until Jan. 15.
The survey is available on the Fulton County government website at or at, where you can follow a link to fill out a PDF file that can be either printed and faxed or email.
The Fulton County Sheriff’s Department is working closely with the Fulton County Police Reform Advisory Committee to devise a final report due to the state by April.
Sheriff Richard Giardino said Monday that work on the plan is coming along well.