FBI “Assessments”: Cato FOIA Lawsuit Edition SHARE
When is an FBI investigation not, according to the FBI, an investigation? When the non‐investigation investigation is categorized, per the FBI Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), as an “Assessment”–a bureaucratic exercise in legerdemain made possible by the 2008 rewrite of the Attorney General’s Guidelines on Domestic FBI Operations. Here’s the relevant paragraph on “Assessments” from the AG Guidelines (p. 17):
You read that correctly: the FBI can open an “Assessment” on any individual or organization without a criminal predicate.
And as a Brennan Center fact sheet on FBI investigation types notes, by opening an “Assessment”, the FBI can “recruit informants to monitor the subject, question people without revealing the agent’s identity, search commercial and government databases, and conduct physical surveillance of a person’s public movements.”
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Semantic Search Service
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