The above-mentioned Paper was Inadvertently Published with a few Mistakes. Please find a detailed description of the mistakes and the correct information below. On Page 1, in the affiliations, the correct affiliation of Alessandro Lanteri should be: ESCP Business School, Turin, Italy. On Page 7, Sect. 3 The following should be replaced To illustrate the tripartition described in Sect. 2, consider the group dynamics unfolding in the following hypothetical scenario, inspired by real circumstances[65].4 by: To illustrate the tripartition described in Sect. 2, consider the group dynamics unfolding in the following hypothetical, yet plausible, scenario[65].4 On Page 7, Note 4 should be replaced by: This hypothetical scenario is presented as a way of a thought experiment to illustrate the logical ramifications of a conceptual distinction. On Page 24: In the biographical note of Alessandro Lanteri, the first sentence should read as follows: Alessandro Lanteri is Full Professor of Strategy and
The Bedford Area School District and the Community School Excellence Council invite the community to attend the Hall of Excellence for the Class of 2024
Dr. Mordechai de Haas is a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Netherlands Army. Mordechai de Haas holds a PhD on Russian security policy. He was an Affiliated Professor and Research Fellow on Russian security policy towards the Middle East at the National Security Studies Centre of Haifa University. Earlier, he was a Full Professor of Public Policy in Kazakhstan. Mordechai served as a soldier with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. As an officer, he held positions at Army Staff, the Royal Netherlands Military Academy, NATO School and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations “Clingendael.” At Defense Staff, he was the editor of the first Netherlands Defense Doctrine.