Samsung A53 5G model by Samsung Galaxy was launched in March 2022. A drastic drop in price by Rs. 3,000 and the starting price for Samsung A53 5G online is now at just Rs 31,499. Experience an FHD+ Super AMOLED screen
Best cases to keep your iPhone 12 Pro Max safe
Cory Gunther - Dec 18, 2020, 6:49am CST
If you’ve picked up the iPhone 12 Pro Max, you’ll definitely want one of the best iPhone 12 Pro Max cases to keep it safe. This phone starts at $1,099 and most people buy higher storage variants. When you’re already spending that much, it just makes sense to get a durable or rugged case to save you some heartache and protect your favorite new gadget.
While the iPhone 12 Pro Max has a robust stainless steel frame and a new ceramic shield display that better handles drops or accidents, it’s still somewhat fragile. Apple even upgraded the water-resistance from 4 to 6-meters. However, you’ll still want to keep it safe from life’s daily hazards.