Ten years after the Fukushima nuclear accident, Japan's TEPCO continues its battle to decommission the crippled plant. One of the greatest challenges the operator faces is to remove fuel rods which melted and accumulated at the bottom of three reactors after a massive earthquake and tsunami triggered the biggest nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.
say the hackers store the health records of one point five million patients including singapore s prime singapore s prime minister the identity and motives of the attackers are still unclear. several japanese beaches have reopened for the first time since the earthquake and tsunami disaster of twenty eleven locals held a ceremony to pray for safety before taking to the water fourteen beaches remain off limits in the aftermath of the fukushima nuclear accident and officials say that some will stay permanently closed to the public. sweden is grappling to contain wildfires that are spreading across the country in a sign of how bad things are the civil defense chief has come out and said the fight has been lost against some of the biggest wildfires in the country firefighters have put out a number of small fires but the largest blazes will only go out if the weather
its new leader he replaces former prime minister mariano rajoy who was ousted after a no confidence vote in june because of those appointments represents a shift to the right for the party which is hoping for a comeback in time for general elections in twenty twenty. two months. ahead of carmaker feared chrysler is stepping down due to ill health after fourteen years at the helm the sixty six year old will relinquish his duties at luxury carmaker ferrari where he was chief executive and to be replaced by mike manley head of the group s jeep grand. several japanese beaches have reopened for the first time since the earthquake and tsunami disaster of twenty eleven locals held a ceremony to pray for safety before taking to the water fourteen beaches in total remain closed off after the fukushima nuclear accident and officials say some will
operation in the mediterranean sea all that says italy refuses to accept migrants rescued by its vessels operation sofia was launched back in two thousand and fifteen to tackle migrant smugglers but it has increasingly found itself rescuing people at sea the e.u. is now reviewing the mission. space conservative popular party has picked pablo casals as its new leader replaces former prime minister mariano rajoy who was ousted after no confidence vote back in june for saddos appointment represents a shift to the right for the party which is hoping for a comeback. in time for general elections in twenty twenty. several japanese beaches have reopened for the first time since the earthquake and tsunami disaster of twenty eleven locals held a ceremony to pray for safety before taking to the water while fourteen beaches still remain off limits in the aftermath of the fukushima nuclear accident
after a no confidence vote in june because that is appointment represents a shift to the right for the party which is hoping for a comeback in time for general elections which will be in twenty twenty. several japanese beaches have reopened for the first time since the earthquake and tsunami disaster of twenty eleven locals held a ceremony to pray for safety before taking to the water now fourteen beaches in total remain off limits in the aftermath of the fukushima nuclear accident and officials say that some will stay permanently close to the public. sweden is grappling to contain wildfires that are spreading across the country in a sign of how bad things are the civil defense chief actually came out and said that the fight had been lost on some of the biggest wildfires the country has seen in decades firefighters have put out a number of smaller fires but the largest blazes will go on if the weather doesn t change help is on its way though from countries including germany. it s terri