SunStar Uncovering the secrets of Obong caves
HINOBAAN. The dolphin-shaped passageway of the Obong Cave with the immensity of the sea harmonizing with its glorious background. (Photo by Carla N. Cañet) HINOBAAN. Garry Doruelo, Boy Factor, Rey Siason, Teresa Ellera, Merile, Gerlyn, and Naomi Fukuda. (Photo by Carla N. Cañet)
HINOBAAN. Naomi Fukuda showcases the Fukuda Machi serving as the gateway to Obong Cave. (Photo by Carla N. Cañet)
HINOBAAN. YUHOM lifestyle writer CNC at the entrance of the Obong Cave. Photo by Carla N. Cañet)
HINOBAAN. The splendor of the cave never ceases to amaze the visiting tourists. This used to be occupied by cults during the Japanese occupation. (Photo by Carla N. Cañet)