Eruption that formed new Japan island continues rumbling on Asia News Network (ANN) is the leading regional alliance of news titles striving to bring the region closer, through an active sharing of editorial content on happenings in the region.
Recently, in October 2023, an undersea volcano eruption led to the creation of a new island near Japan s Ogaswara island chain. Reportedly, this is one of those rare events that gives a glimpse into how nature works and how such islands are created due to Earth s geology and seismic activity. The new island, which has not been named yet, is about 100 meters in diameter and was created due to phreatomagmatic eruptions, which happen when magma comes into contact with seawater and creates explosive bursts of ash and steam.
Rest of World News: A new island has emerged near Japan's Ogasawara island chain after an undersea volcano erupted in October 2023. The island, about 100 meters in diamet