[co-author: Kenryo Mizutani - Articling Student]
On January 28, 2021, the Government of British Columbia announced that BC Hydro will offer discounted electricity rates to innovative industrial customers seeking to use clean electricity in qualified “green” operations, as well as industrial customers who convert their operations to be powered by electricity instead of fossil fuels. In addition to rate discounts, British Columbia will also provide financing to encourage electrification projects through a new $84.4-million CleanBC Facilities Electrification Fund.
CleanBC Industrial Electrification Rates
BC Hydro’s two new rate options are: 1) the Clean Industry and Innovation Rate; and 2) the Fuel Switching Rate. Both rates are available until March 31, 2030, and qualifying industrial customers can enjoy discounted rates for seven years. The discount is 20 percent for the first five years, 13 percent in the sixth year, and seven percent in the seventh year. The CleanBC Industr
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On January 28, 2021, the Government of British Columbia announced that BC Hydro will offer
discounted electricity rates to innovative industrial customers
seeking to use clean electricity in qualified green
operations, as well as industrial customers who convert their
operations to be powered by electricity instead of fossil fuels. In
addition to rate discounts, British Columbia will also provide
financing to encourage electrification projects through a new
$84.4-million CleanBC Facilities Electrification Fund.
CleanBC Industrial Electrification Rates
BC Hydro s two new rate options are: 1) the Clean Industry