The price of oil will rise back above $100 a barrel this year, and will continue rising in 2024 due to serious supply problems as spare production capacity runs out. This dire warning comes from [.]
Germany's State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG) said Friday, Feb. 3, that the largest gas storage facility in the Lower Saxony municipality Rehden was shut down for safety [.]
threats of doom. where is green peace. like you said they are in cushy offices around the world making fat salaries and doing virtually nothing to help the environment anymore. as a matter of fact, supporting wind and solar energy is doing a lot to help the economy of the average person in terms of the price they have to pay for electricity just look at what s happened in germany. this net zero thing has become a complete fiasco. it s like saying we should reduce the food supply by 80%. you know? getting rid of all the fossil fuels is reducing the fuel supply by 80%. it can t happen. there aren t battery materials in the world to back up something that only works a third of the time either. great irony of this is green peace and all the rest of these wind and solar promoters are against nuclear energy, which is perfectly clean costs less money in the long run than wind and
A consulting firm that conducted research revealed that traditional gas-powered vehicles were more economical than electric vehicles (EVs) toward the end of 2022. Anderson Economic Group (AEG) [.]