please stay open as long as possible so people can get out. we ll arrange police escorts for your employees so they can get out safely. we need your gas stations to stay open as long as possible. we know fuel is very important. we re absolutely devoting every state resource to addressing this. while we are making progress, you will see lines or outages. i know this has to be very frustrating. and will not stop working on this. if you re concerned that you do not have a way to evacuate because of a fuel issue, call your local emergency management hot line or the florida emergency hot line at 1-800-342-3557. 1-800-342-3557, which is a dedicated emergency hot line. we will get you out. but you have to call now if you re in an evacuation zone. we cannot save you when the storm starts. if you re in an evacuation zone and you need help, you need to tell us now.