New LNG Bunker Barge Planned for Port of Tacoma
Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.
Puget Sound Energy’s LNG Terminal in the Port of Tacoma (Photo: GAC)
Puget LNG and GAC Bunker Fuels have signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) marine fuel from Puget LNG’s terminal to GAC’s customers in the Pacific Northwest.
When the Tacoma LNG Terminal becomes operational in the second quarter of 2021, it will be the first such terminal on North America’s west coast providing direct shoreside loading access for a bunker barge.
GAC Bunker Fuels, a division of the Dubai-based GAC Group, will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Jones Act-compliant LNG bunker barge to be constructed, owned and operated by a third party. The barge would have the flexibility in size and design to serve multiple shipping customers and is expected to be operational in 2023. Loading from Puget LNG’s terminal in Tacoma, the barge will be able to bunker v
Puget LNG, LLC and GAC Bunker Fuels Limited have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to co-operate in the supply and sale of clean-burning LNG marine fuel from Puget LNG’s terminal to GAC’s customers in the Pacific Northwest.
Puget Sound Energy’s LNG Terminal in the Port of Tacoma, US.
When the Tacoma LNG Terminal becomes operational in 2Q21, it will be the first such terminal on North America’s west coast providing direct shore-side loading access for a bunker barge.
A DNV GL study commissioned by Puget LNG on the feasibility of a bunker barge to supply LNG as fuel to ships in the Puget Sound area concluded that the availability and cost of natural gas, especially in North America, has made the use of LNG an attractive solution for ship operators to comply with air emissions regulations. A growing order book for LNG-fuelled vessels has underlined the need to develop LNG supply infrastructure in all major shipping ports and regions, including the Paci
Home / Shipping News / International Shipping News / Puget LNG and GAC Bunker Fuels join forces to supply LNG marine fuel by barge from the Port of Tacoma
Puget LNG and GAC Bunker Fuels join forces to supply LNG marine fuel by barge from the Port of Tacoma
Puget LNG, LLC (‘Puget LNG’) and GAC Bunker Fuels Limited (‘GAC Bunker Fuels’) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in the supply and sale of clean-burning LNG marine fuel from Puget LNG’s terminal to GAC’s customers in the Pacific Northwest.
When the Tacoma LNG Terminal becomes operational in the second quarter of 2021, it will be the first such terminal on North America’s west coast providing direct shoreside loading access for a bunker barge.