BEIJING, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) From a murky, stinky river to a new home to fish and plants, Beijing Liangshui River, which has a history of over 1,400 years, expe
A good class bungalow (GCB) along White House Park has been sold for $45.5 million this month. With a freehold land area of 15,081 sq ft, this translates to S$3,017 psf. Business Times reported that the GCB was bought by Fu Wei, the chief executive of healthcare-dedicated investment firm CBC Group. The house was sold by a Singapore-incorporated company owned.
KUALA LUMPUR: Kim Hin Joo (Malaysia) Bhd, the retail operator of Mothercare stores, The Entertainer toy shops, and Early Learning Centre (ELC) outlets in Malaysia, will continue to focus on revamping its brick-and-mortar stores.
The latest lightning flashes on China’s shifting media horizon this month took the form of the banishment from social media of a real estate tycoon who voiced support for constructive criticism, the firing of an editor at a newspaper that appeared to have published a cryptic anti-Party message in two adjacent front-page headlines, and an out-and-out fight between the news