neither the syrians or russians can fly their planes over it. establishing a no-fly zone over syria would cause, this is always been the line for the pentagon. that involves a massive air campaign knocking out a lot of air missiles and they have russians there helping them. you know, one of the things we re learning about this conflict last night when the f-18 shot down the fu-22. an older syrian jet dated a little bit longer. not a huge threat. not really a fair fight. but what happened was that they warned, they ve warned over the deconfliction line. that s a phone conversation with russians. they actually radioed the syrian plane saying get out of here and then perform a maneuver called the head but. it is basically them flying up and over the su-22 and creating what s called wake turbulence. if you remember your top gun might have been something like that. that would have caused the su-22 to shutter. they gave plenty of warnings and