Percentage of population: 47.07%
Percentage of population: 38.12%
Friday marked the fifth time in the last six days that cases have been below 275. The seven-day average of daily new cases now stands at 282, down considerably from 442 two weeks ago but higher than a month ago, when the average was 211 cases. At the peak in mid-January, Maine was averaging more than 600 cases per day.
Since the pandemic began, Maine has recorded 61,213 confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 and 784 deaths, according to data tracked by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Although cases have fallen over the last two weeks, hospitalizations – which along with deaths often lag behind case spikes – remain high. As of Friday morning, 121 individuals were in the hospital with COVID-19, including 59 in critical care, an increase of 13 just since Thursday. There haven’t been that many people in critical care since Jan. 26.
The reopening around the country reflects increasing optimism as COVID-19 deaths tumble and the ranks of the vaccinated grow a stark contrast to the worsening disaster in India and Brazil and the scant availability of vaccines in many poor parts of the world.
9 hours ago in Lifestyle, National
President Joe Biden, once a regular Amtrak rider, is set on Friday to help the nation s passenger rail system celebrate 50 years of service. As a U.S. senator, Biden was a fixture on Amtrak trains between his home in Wilmington, Delaware, and Washington, D.C., when the Senate was in session.
Starting Saturday, out-of-staters no longer have to take a COVID-19 test or quarantine when traveling to Maine.
1 hour ago in Local
Keith Mills was a Secret Service officer who protected the late President George H.W. Bush and former President George W. Bush. Mills death is considered a line-of-duty death.
National Headlines
The reopening around the country reflects increasing optimism as COVID-19 deaths tumble and the ranks of the vaccinated grow a stark contrast to the worsening disaster in India and Brazil and the scant availability of vaccines in many poor parts of the world.
10 hours ago in Lifestyle, National
President Joe Biden, once a regular Amtrak rider, is set on Friday to help the nation s passenger rail system celebrate 50 years of service. As a U.S. senator, Biden was a fixture on Amtrak trains between his home in Wilmington, Delaware, and Washington, D.C., when the Senate was in session.