speaks to how we as american will honor the memory of those who were killed, murdered by by terrorists on september 11th. and the fact that the president, again, is showing a deafness, if you will, to what those feelings are, what that sentiment is, it s just, quite frankly, frums traiting. and i think it s part of a prp broader agenda that will come back to bite this november. if we shut down shout down a mosque and community center because it is two blocks away from the site where freedom was attacked, i think it would be a sad day for america. i think that standing up for america s founding principles shows strength, not weakness, and i applaud the president for taking his stance. folks who want to build this mosque who are really radical islamists who want to triumphally prove that they can build a mosque right next to a place where 3,000 americans were killed by radical islamists, those folks don t have any interest in reaching out to the community. they re trying to mak