MURFREESBORO, Tennessee. - RUTHERFORD Cable, founding sponsor of the ATHENA International Leadership Award for Rutherford County, announces the 2022 nominees for this year’s award; 12 area women representing 12 Rutherford County organizations have been nominated, along with 7 young professional women (see page 2 and beyond for a complete listing and bio of each nominee). The community-wide celebration of this year’s nominees is open to the public and will be held Friday, April 2 .
it s peachy! 0k! well done i m impressed. you try yours. what are you getting? 0k, it actually just tastes of water but it smells of fruit. can you tell what kind of fruit? no idea. absolutely no idea. it s called grapefruity. i think it s a bit like fruit tea. i hate fruit tea. oh, well, that s gonna be a problem then. it s all in the smell and not in the taste. yeah, exactly. but while we are in the festive mood, i ve got a little game for us to play. right. now, pictionary is probably my favourite game. i know it is, you are a monster. you know. indeed. but i can t draw which, of course, is the irony of this but the technology doesn t actually help with that. now, this is called the repaper and the way that it works is you can use any pencil by attaching this little item to the end of it or you can use the pen that comes with it, then you don t need the piece of paper. but it, of course, of a smartphone. 0h, right! go on, then. this should be good. so let me draw somethin