LOWELL Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny weren't on the ballot, but the cartoon characters and other write-in names collectively took in more votes than several City Council candidates.
BY TUESDAY at 8 p.m., when the polls close in Lowell, the 2023 election for the City Council and School Committee races will be over, and a new era of governing in the city will begin in January 2024.
LOWELL Fru Nkimbeng has spent many years working behind the scenes to make Lowell a better place, but he threw his hat in the political ring for the District 7 City Council seat because he said he wants to play a more prominent role in the city’s future and in the lives of its residents.
THE RACE is on, and as of this past Friday, 27 Lowell residents had signaled their interest in running for office by signing their names to the 2023 City Election Nomination Paper Log kept on file in the Elections Office at City Hall.