Although some media outlets have identified the four members of a Gujarati family who froze to death on January 19 near the Canada-US border as residents of Dingucha village near Gandhinagar, authorities in Ottawa have refused to confirm their names.
An Afghan woman in the village of Belasur in Iran, while trying to enter the Turkey illegally with her two children, didn’t stand the freezing cold and died.
KÖLN (dpa-AFX) - Die SPD holt in der Gunst der Wähler weiter auf, zieht nun auch beim Meinungsforschungsinstitut Forsa an den Grünen vorbei und rückt dicht an die Union heran. Die Sozialdemokraten um Kanzlerkandidat Olaf Scholz gewinnen im RTL/ntv-Trendbarometer gegenüber der Vorwoche zwei Proze.