The William Beedle cabin, once located behind the Lebanon Correctional Institution, was part of the first settlement in Warren County and taken apart in a massive effort that WVXU first reported on in 2019.
The 18 x 22-foot cabin, with logs as long as 22 feet and weighing 500 pounds, is being erected next door to the Armstrong Conference Center. It feels like a fortress, says Executive Director of the Warren County Historical Museum Michael Coyan. You would feel incredibly safe in that building. I ve had people tell me that they almost got into automobile accidents as they were driving down Broadway, craning their necks as the cabin came up out of the foundation.
Butterfield Park
Residents play a game of pick-up hockey at the new skating rink in Orange s Butterfield Park on Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015. Recorder File Photo/Micky Bedell
Published: 3/1/2021 3:33:34 PM
Modified: 3/1/2021 3:33:32 PM
Butterfield Park is a community gem in the center of Orange. The park’s beginnings were centered around the ballfield, with the land originally owned by the Butterfield family. Pamela Almira Butterfield passed away on Jan. 13, 1894. The town was given the option of purchasing the field from the estate on Sept. 29, 1906. The purchase was made with the understanding the land would always remain a park.
The park throughout the years has provided a space for many activities for the town. These include providing the Orange Peals, an Orange semi-pro baseball league, with a field to play on.