Gary Edwards, true to his word, made an appearance Monday at the Frontenac City Council to voice his concerns about the condition of the Joe Saia Overpass. Edwards, a Frontenac resident and business owner in Pittsburg, already approached the Crawford County Commission and the Pittsburg City Commission about the matter last week.
It was hoped that a final decision would be made at Monday evening’s Frontenac City Council meeting on the location of Frontenac’s new library and the project could move forward.
At Monday’s Frontenac City Council meeting, representatives of Sugar Creek approached the council about their company’s future plans for expansion and how that fits in with the city’s future.
Paul Keys, a member of the Guardians of the Children, appeared before the Frontenac City Council on Monday evening to appeal for street closures downtown on Saturday, Aug. 27 as part of a motorcycle “dice run.”
FRONTENAC, Kan. — “Everybody is getting tired of seeing me up here,” said John Williamson, appearing again Tuesday before the Frontenac City Council concerning sewer and storm water …