oh, it s exactly because you re telling me what s on my own show. that s the price you build it t up and it s just like me coming out of a peanut. you want tou, go p?lease please coml e. ws i want to do both shows back to back alley. okay, all right. oh, we ll take it underr advisement. that sounds like a lotad. take it under.f doesn t know how to get out ofrb here. double troublele right handed. awesome show tonight. and i am laura ingraham. this from washingtonn tonight. and we begin with a miwid term hail mary from the democrats. we knew it was coming. right. and if there s anything we ve learned, it s that joe bident loves telling tall tales. f and over the past couple ofseem months, his white house seems e caught the same fever, at least when it comes to furni burnishing that reputation. thatit will take more time and resolve to bring inflation b down, which is why, again, we in passed the inflation reduction act. we we meaning democrats, not republicans. what
be subject to official inquiry and the possible distortion for political purposes. r heartmate, i mean, fetich. you basically write, that sts a democrat, that s a democrat. and so, look, the principlee is there for both parties.rst of and if the first a of all, to be very clear , there is no waye that donald trump is going toin be testifying in front ofommitt the house committee, they don t have the time to compel him.eeav i don t even how they re going s to get him served and thenl how the legal process go forward. but let s tos say that a time wt they were able to get this s issue in front of the supremeure recourt and the supreme courtou were forced to rule on this the issue. are american respect forers, a the various institutions of our government is already in tatters? just doinand this is just doinr damage. i mean, if you were to look at even the members of this committee, adam kinzinger and liz cheney, they aren t even better off than they werert at the beginning ofiden s pr