well, that s the guy who brings you your food every day. truckers do something useful for a living and that way they re very different fromy diversity consultants or private equity executives. solt the trucking shortage is the historic high. we area short more than 80 thousand truckers trucking instructors are having trouble finding studentstors for eighten year old cecilia contreras. she dreamed of taking a bigte step and getting behind the wheel of a semi truck which cameme true after don , a north high school offered a unique educational program gearedd towards truck driving. allvi the truck driversng are leaving the younger classes note looking to be a truck driver. whether or not introducing. ou so if you have a whole economy based on orderings stuff from far away warehouses overt the internet and hoping it gets to you, you need truckers. so if your administration is discouraging people from beingsi truckers, you re going have a massive crisis, which is what we re facingwhat.