hysteria, which makes sure that every living american is terrified of somethinsg ortob other from breakfast till bed. but there is no good news office that s something the biden people never considered. so yesterday, the administration seemee admind a little awkward, maybe even sheepish, when it announced the best news of alld , which is that the covid era has. finally passed. r for three years, the u.s. has lived under a permanent government designated covidmergn emergency.cy at this point, lookingnow nobo backward, no one can agreedy loo on what the point of it was. certainly nobody got any healthier, that s for sure. in any case, it s ending for good or bad. technically, the emergency technically th will continue until may. this allow the bush administration to shovel a few more cargo plane s full of taxn dollars to its donors in the so-called health care industry. bute ta that s it.as o those are the last gasps of the rona s scare. we re done abna. and that mean
secretary. not he has done nothing to enhance, but instead a lot to destroy enhance our homeland micurity is of the border open and he lied about it. millions and millions and millions of foreign nationals who identities. we can t confirn nam have sh up, helped by the drug cartels and come into our country to stay forever and live a otur public expense. ntrythat s a real andy biggs kn. it s really represents the state of arizona in real. the congress. congressman and he s very frustrated by this. he joins us now. r joinin congressman, thanks so much for coming on . so you ve watched it. it s affecte.have watd your stas and your district, badly hurt tk both. how do you think the congressorv should respond?ing well, tucker, thanks for having me. e apprand i think thatfounders the appropriate response is to do what the foundersaid. said. you remove somebody from office, a public official fromis violce who s causing public harm and violating the public trust. i and that is imp
what he has done is absolutely in my opinion, it s unconscionable. he s literally attacked the essence of this country by attacking the geographicalo h integrity. and he s changing so much. ay pe he s put so many people inr of danger. we ve got terrorists here thatee we would never have been here. we ve got criminal gan havg mems and we ve got well overers a million people here. we have no a idea anything abou their background where they went because they just got awaye they into the country bece of his policies. country i mean, if you can t impeach a homeland security secretary for destroying the homelandyingh security and allowing an invasion, noomy an exaggerationn invasion to occur on his watch, then what? can you impeach someonehat ? well, i think that s exactly right. and so i vright.e had people saa then he didn t commit a real felony. and i said, but high crimefelons means that you re a public official and that you have violated the public trust and you need to be removed