and that money came from that f guy s companthy. now, keep in mind, according.acd to material found on hunter biden s real laptop, his father, the big guy, apparently due to make 10% froma one of hunter s business dealsn . on the laptop again, hunter bitterly complained abou the laptt to fork over half of his incomeo sa salarvey to pops. there are also numerous mectures of biden meeting with hunter s foreign business partners. now, i don t work forfbi, b the fbi, but it doesn t reallyut seem like joe played a real integral role. doesn t it seem like it and his son s business deals? because here s the sad part.nage upper management within our department of justicnte and our fbi not the ranknk and and file the fbi rank and fileoe brave people that put their lives on the line and protec thar t our. i m not blaming them, buti am the people at the top in the doj and the fbi werep protecting the entirweree famil.
Rómska národnostná menšina Rómovia patria po Maďaroch k druhej najväčšej národnostnej skupine na Slovensku. Neoficiálne štatistiky uvádzajú, že počet obyvateľov, ktorí sa hlásia k tejto menšine, sa pohybuje medzi 400 až 500 tisíc. Najpočetnejšie komunity Rómov sa sústreďujú v Prešovskom, Košickom a Banskobystrickom kraji. Nízka vzdelanostná a spoločenská úroveň ich…