From the streets of Baltimore, Maryland to the campus of UNM in Albuquerque, Associate Professor Richard White (R.A.W. Tuba) continues to make headlines. The most recent is the publishing of his book, ‘I’m possible’. ‘I’m possible’ depicts an.
Richard Antoine White plays music at Mobtown Studios in Baltimore. (Darren Durlach/Early Light Media)
Darren Durlach and David Larson first met Richard Antoine White about nine months before starting the project on him.
The co-directors – once journalists – fell for White’s story and wanted to weave it into a documentary about art education in America.
White experienced poverty and homelessness on the streets of West Baltimore’s Sandtown neighborhood while living with his mother, who struggled with alcoholism.
He was eventually raised by his mother’s adoptive parents, Richard and Vivian McClain, who gave him his first instrument, a trumpet, in fourth grade.
Is that we can all be proud to say
To be young, gifted and black
Is where it s at.”
To Be Young, Gifted & Black - Nina Simone / Weldon Irvine
To mark Black History Month in February, the African American Student Services at The University of New Mexico has slated a series of virtual events. The theme for this semester is the arts, according to AASS director Brandi Stone, and the focus is on music in February. The calendar of events is designed to look like a Spotify playlist to reflect the musical theme.
Flag raising, Monday, Feb. 1
The month’s events will kick off with a virtual flag-raising ceremony. The event will take place and videoed on campus following COVID-safe practices and then posted on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.