A mainstay girth weld inspection solution for over a decade, the PipeWIZARD™ iX automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) system has been optimized to redefine pipeline weld joint assessments.
The new IPLEX™ TX II videoscope combines the versatility of a 2.2 mm diameter flexible scope with an ultra-thin 1.8 mm rigid scope in a single package, enabling users to choose the best setup for their remote visual inspection application.
Evident, formerly a wholly owned subsidiary of Olympus Corporation, announced its fifth annual Image of the Year competition is now open for entries through April 30, 2024.
The new IPLEX™ TX II videoscope combines the versatility of a 2.2 mm diameter flexible scope with an ultra-thin 1.8 mm rigid scope in a single package, enabling users to choose the best setup for their remote visual inspection application.