back now on sunday housecall. you know at this time of year, toys are usually at the top of most people s holiday shopping lists, but consumer advocates are warning that some toys could be more hazardous for your kids health than others. dr. siegel, what is the list and what should people look out for? first of all, i want to applaud a law passed in 2008. the consumer product safety improvement act has changed the playing field here. it used to be in 2008, eric, there were 131 recalls. most due to lead in toys. the past year, tw2013, so far, lead. there was one toy that i won t mention that did have a problem with lead. you want to worry about lead and cadmium, kids swallowing little things, marbles, noisy things. two leap frog toys caused so much noise, they had to be withdrawn. one out of five children up to the age of 12 are already hearing impaired.