In anticipation of the release of our Spring 2021 issue, “The Polymorphous
per Verse Issue” an issue dedicated to writing by trans, Two-Spirit, gender non-conforming, and non-binary people we are reprinting guest editor Ali Blythe’s essay, “Fierce Inventory.” This essay first appeared in
Arc Poetry Magazine 85, our Winter 2018 issue.
Children’s Prison Shower
Don’t tell me how it ends. The one about the boy who says everything twice and is therefore sent to children’s prison.
Especially don’t tell me he eventually stops saying everything twice because of good adult intervention.
Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang by Mordecai Richler is a book that has haunted me for more than thirty years. I read it as a kid, and never since. In the original 1975 book, I recall there being a line drawing by Fritz Wegner of six-year-old Jacob completely naked in the prison shower. I found it frightening and attractive. What was happening to him? (I don’t even know for