First in a series: It was the first trip she ever took alone, but 18-year-old Marie Wick of Grygla, Minnesota, later was at the center of "the most sensational murder trial in North Dakota history."
Murder in Room 30: The Killing of Marie Wick takes a closer look at the slaying of a small town girl in downtown Fargo 100 years ago
June 7 marks the 100th anniversary of one of the most brutal murders to happen in Fargo, followed by what was heralded as The most sensational murder trial in North Dakota history.
18-year-old Marie Wick of Grygla, Minnesota was killed in a downtown Fargo hotel during her first trip away from home. In the first of a four-part series and podcast, Tracy Briggs takes us through the twists and turns of the case in which justice might have come 20 years too late.